HOT DEAL: Aruandê Capoeira Toronto – $10 for 10 Capoeira Classes (89% Off)

StealTheDeal Toronto Daily Deal of the Day: 89% off 10 Capoeira classes at Aruandê Capoeira

Buy now for only $10
Value $90
Discount 89%
Save $80

This is a limited 1-day only sale that will expire tonight at midnight (Tuesday, November 29, 2011). Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Quantities are limited so don’t miss out!

The Goods
$10 for ten Capoeira classes at Aruandê Capoeira Toronto ($90 value)!
A great way to stay active and have fun
Capoeira beautifully blends dance, martial arts, acrobatics, music, and Brazilian culture in a single art form

Fine Print
Taxes not included
One per person
No cash value
Must present voucher for redemption
Please use within one year of purchase date
Refund requests processed through StealTheDeal up to seven days from date of purchase

Aruandê Capoeira
T: 416-722-2345
Venice Fitness 393 King St W, Toronto, ON

Combining martial arts with dancing and music is an age-old Brazilian tradition, most notably misrepresented by Kevin Bacon. Steal today’s deal for Capoeira classes and learn about real Brazilian culture while also keeping in shape and meeting new people!

Your Capoeira instructor is Fabio Luiz Noventa! He was born in 1979, in a small Brazilian town called Valinhos. He started Capoeira in Sao Paulo when he was seven years old, and since then has never stopped!

And it’s not hard to see why! Capoeira is a fun and exciting martial art that centres itself around music and dance, not kickpunches and deathblows. This makes it more fun than a night out! Not only that, but Capoeira doesn’t involve standing in place punching the air for hours! Capoeira’s primary stance, the ginga demands constant movement (it literally means ‘rocking back and forth’!).

All this results in your having a blast while being active! If you’d like to get healthy, meet new people, and learn to defend yourself through the power of dance, look no further then today’s deal from Fabio Luiz Noventa and Venice Fitness!

Click here to buy now or for more information about the deal. Don’t miss out!

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